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Replace Pressure Relief Valves PRV In 10 Years Or Less

The safe useful life of Pressure Relief Valves (PRV) can vary greatly depending on the environment in which they live.

Relief valves are required to function under widely varying conditions. Corrosion, aging of the resilient seat disc and friction all proceed at different rates depending upon the nature of the specific environment and application. Gas impurities, product misuse and improper installations can shorten the safe life of a relief valve.

Predicting the safe useful life of a relief valve obviously is not an exact science.The conditions to which the valve is subjected will vary widely and will determine its useful life. In matters of this kind, only basic guidelines can be suggested. For example, the Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet S-1.1 Pressure Relief Device Standards — Cylinders, section 9.1.1 requires all cylinders used in industrial motor fuel service to have the cylinder’s Pressure Relief Valves (PRV) replaced by new or unused relief valves within twelve years of the date of manufacture of cylinder and within each ten years thereafter. The LP-Gas dealer must observe and determine the safe useful life of relief valves in his territory. The valve manufacturer can only make recommendations for the continuing safety of the industry.

WARNING: Under normal conditions, the useful safe service life of a pressure relief valve is 10 years from the original date of manufacture. However, the safe useful life of the valve may be shortened and replacement required in less than 10 years depending on the environment in which the valve lives. Inspection and maintenance of pressure relief valves is very important. Failure to properly inspect and maintain pressure relief valves could result in personal injuries or property damage.